Akshay Kumar on Thursday took to Twitter to release a video expressing his anger and anguish on the horrific incident of molestation in Bengaluru on the New Year's Eve
Akshay Kumar on Thursday took to Twitter to release a video expressing his anger and anguish on the horrific incident of molestation in Bengaluru on the New Year's Eve.
The Bangalore incident makes me feel we r evolving backwards,from humans to animals,rather beasts coz even animals are better!Truly shameful pic.twitter.com/FJwJ80Mkby
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) January 5, 2017
In the 2 minute video Akshay Kumar talks about how he came to know about the incident from TV channels at the Mumbai airport after he got back from a holiday in Cape Town with daughter Nitara and wife Twinkle Khanna.
"The Bangalore incident makes me feel we are evolving backwards, from humans to animals, rather beasts coz even animals are better! Truly shameful [sic]," Akshay Kumar wrote on his Twitter account.
Also read: Aamir Khan: Bengaluru molestation incident shameful
The shameful incident occurred in MG Road and Brigade Road in Bengaluru. Men not only groped women, but also verbally abused the females who had gathered to ring in the New Year. All this even as the cops played silent spectators.