Farhan Akhtar and Manav Kaul were shooting in Kashmir for Bejoy Nambiar's upcoming film 'Wazir'. Apparently, while shooting at Dal Lake, there was heavy snowfall and the shoot had to be stalled for two days
'Wazir' shoot stalled for two days
Farhan Akhtar and Manav Kaul were shooting in Kashmir for Bejoy Nambiar's upcoming film 'Wazir'. Apparently, while shooting at Dal Lake, there was heavy snowfall and the shoot had to be stalled for two days.
Farhan Akhtar and Manav Kaul
The team had left around 10 days back to shoot in Gulmarg and Srinagar, and the unit was to stay in Kashmir only for five-six days. Since they had only two days left, they waited for two days and then finished the shoot and came back to Mumbai.
A source close to the development says, "Yes, there was heavy snowfall and the weather was really bad in Kashmir. The shoot had to be stopped for 2 days and then we had only 2 days to finish the shoot. But we managed to finish the shoot and come back."