Rakesh Roshan's Diwali release is said to have collected Rs 80 crore plus in the first four days
The drought at the box-office in the past few weeks has ended with Krrish 3’s bumper opening figures. Rakesh Roshan’s Diwali release’s collection on Friday (which was Dhanteras day) was Rs 20 crore (approx).
On Saturday, it fell to Rs 16 crore (approx) and on Sunday (Laxmi Puja day), it dipped to Rs 15 crore (approx), but on Monday it collected the highest-ever collection for a day -- Rs 34 crore (approx) -- beating Chennai Express (Rs 32.5 crore) and even Hrithik’s last release, Agneepath (Rs 26 crore), which released on a national holiday, January 26.
The makers of Krrish 3, however, claim that they have crossed the Rs 100 crore mark in the first four days.
Distributor Sunny Khanna says, “Krrish 3 sets a new record for the highest single-day collection. It garnered Rs 33.5 crore on Monday beating Chennai Express’s Rs 32.5 crore and Ek Tha Tiger’s Rs 31.90 crore. It collected around Rs 51 crore in its first weekend. The total collection for four days are Rs 84.5 crore. The film will enter the Rs 100 crore club in the first week itself. Krrish 3 has beaten Kaal (the pre-Diwali dull period) and emerged as a superhero on Monday.”
Exhibitor Akshaye Rathi adds, “The collections have been phenomenal considering the pre-Diwali period it released in. After a very good weekend, the film behaved like an unleashed monster at the box-office on Monday and ran to packed houses almost everywhere. With no significant opposition right till Ram Leela (which releases on November 15), the film is bound to do great business.”
Senior distributor Ashok Ahuja says, “I’m very happy with the way the film has performed at the box-office, it will definitely bring in more business to the industry.”u00a0