Before you decide to invest in Binance Coin, you should know whether its price is going to grow in the future. Traders Union experts have recently presented their long-term BNB price and SOL forecasts.
Cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile assets: their prices may soar or drop tenfold all during just one year. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t be analyzed, but you need to consider numerous aspects to do that. In a recent Traders Union article, the company’s analysts have presented their forecasts for the BNB price and possible SOL value these coins can possibly reach by 2025 and by 2030.
BNB forecast for 2023–2030
BNB is the native cryptocurrency of Binance, the leading crypto exchange in the world right now. One of the most popular utility tokens, BNB can be used for a wide variety of applications. Basically, it fuels the entire Binance ecosystem, and that’s one of the most important factors that keep its price stable. It saw its peak at about $650 in 2021 and dropped all the way to $250 in 2022. However, BNB seems to be growing now, and Traders Union experts have expressed their confidence that the coin will be very attractive as a long-term investment in the coming years.
The experts expect the BNB market value to reach about $500 by the end of 2023, and their optimistic scenario suggests the coin will be able to recover completely, crossing the bar of $630. They say that the most important growth driver behind the coin is the growing popularity of Binance itself. The crypto crowd remains positive about it, so its native token will almost definitely grow in the next few months, following the overall upcoming trend on the market. That means it looks pretty good even in the short term.
In 2025, BNB is expected to cross the $1,000 bar, especially if the overall market will continue to grow and attract new investors from other, more conservative assets. The most optimistic scenario claims it will cost up to $1,200 by the end of 2025. In 2030, the experts expect the average BNB value to reach $4,000 and cross the bar of $5,000 by the end of that year. The optimistic scenario suggests that BNB can cost more than $6,000 in the beginning of 2031. The experts say that the coin can reach $10,000 in 2035, and that makes it a great long-term investment.
SOL forecast for 2023–2030
SOL is another popular and promising cryptocurrency: currently ranking 11th among all tradable coins by market cap, it has every chance to grow in the next few years. The coin is used to power Solana, a fast-growing crypto network designed to host all kinds of decentralized applications. The experts have published the following Solana prediction for 2023: it can cost more than $30 by the end of the year. It is expected to cross the $50 bar in 2025 and reach more than $300 by the end of 2030, according to Traders Union analysts. That means it can also be a pretty profitable long-term investment.
“Crypto products and NFTs are unregulated and can be highly risky. There may be no regulatory recourse for any loss from such transactions.”