Speaking at the BJP`s first public rally in Rohini before the upcoming polls, Modi said every season in the city has turned into a period of `emergency`, with drinking water shortages in the summer, waterlogging during the monsoon and pollution during the winter... [Read More]
05 January,2025 08:15 PM IST | Delhi | mid-day online correspondentAmid heavy trolling against Vidya Balan, her team has put out a long clarification message stating that Rohit Sharma`s PR team hasn`t asked her for any message or support... [Read More]
05 January,2025 07:58 PM IST | Mumbai | mid-day online correspondentThe aircraft was on its take off roll when the incident happened leading to the pilots aborting the take off and emergency services responding to the fire... [Read More]
05 January,2025 07:21 PM IST | Mumbai | Prasun ChoudhariAll three crew members on board were pronounced dead after being rescued and admitted to a nearby hospital... [Read More]
05 January,2025 07:05 PM IST | Porbandar | Prasun ChoudhariEarlier today, PM Modi inaugurated a 13 km stretch of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat Corridor, connecting Sahibabad to New Ashok Nagar, and also addressed a rally in Delhi`s Rohini.... [Read More]
05 January,2025 06:55 PM IST | Mumbai | mid-day online correspondent