var questions; // objects containing the quiz questions var count, score, scorePercentage, answer; // tracking variables var correctAnswer, prevFlag; // flags var choices, question, resultsPara, choicesPara; // elements being updated var resetButton, prevButton; // buttons var progress, progressPercentage; // progress bar var totalQuestions; //Total number of questions var flag=0; /*questions = [{number:0,question:"Q1. test123",choices:["A. a","B. b","C. c","D. d","E. e","F. f"],answer:3,src:""},{number:1,question:"Q2. ",choices:["A. ","B. ","C. ","D. ","E. ","F. "],answer:0,src:""},{number:2,question:"Q3. ",choices:["A. ","B. ","C. ","D. ","E. ","F. "],answer:0,src:""},{number:3,question:"Q4. ",choices:["A. ","B. ","C. ","D. ","E. ","F. "],answer:0,src:""},{number:4,question:"Q5. ",choices:["A. ","B. ","C. ","D. ","E. ","F. "],answer:0,src:""},{number:5,question:"Q6. ",choices:["A. ","B. ","C. ","D. ","E. ","F. "],answer:0,src:""},{number:6,question:"Q7. ",choices:["A. ","B. ","C. ","D. ","E. ","F. "],answer:0,src:""},{number:7,question:"Q8. ",choices:["A. ","B. ","C. ","D. ","E. ","F. "],answer:0,src:""},{number:8,question:"Q9. ",choices:["A. ","B. ","C. ","D. ","E. ","F. "],answer:0,src:""},{number:9,question:"Q10. ",choices:["A. ","B. ","C. ","D. ","E. ","F. "],answer:0,src:""}];*/ var actual_url = window.location.href; $.ajax({ type:"GET", //url:domain + 'api/getQuizDetails.php?actual_link=', url:domain + 'api/getQuizDetails.php?actual_link='+actual_url, data:{}, success: function(response){ //console.log(response); questions = JSON.parse(response); $('.page-title').text(questions[0].title); setTimeout(function(){ if(window.location.pathname.split('/').length==4){ var refresh = window.location.protocol + "//" + + window.location.pathname + '/1'; window.history.pushState({ path: refresh }, '', refresh); } else { var pathname = window.location.pathname.split('/'); var remove_last_part = pathname.pop(); var refresh = window.location.protocol + "//" + + pathname.join('/') + '/1'; window.history.pushState({ path: refresh }, '', refresh); } },200); }, async: false, }); console.log(questions); // set tracking variables count = 0; score = 0; correctAnswer = false; prevFlag = false; // grab html elements choices = document.querySelectorAll('.choices'); question = document.getElementsByClassName('quest')[0]; // resultsPara = document.getElementsByTagName('p')[0]; // choicesPara = document.getElementsByTagName('p')[1]; resetButton = document.getElementsByClassName('reset')[0]; nextQuizButton = document.getElementsByClassName('nextQuiz')[0]; nextButton = document.getElementsByClassName('next')[0]; prevButton = document.getElementsByClassName('prev')[0]; progress = document.getElementsByClassName('progress-bar')[0]; var finishbutton = document.getElementById("finish"); var elementchoice = document.getElementById("choicesParagraph"); var elementresult = document.getElementById("resultParagraph"); //finding the number of questions // function lengthfinder(){ // totalQuestions=Object.keys(questions).length; // console.log(totalQuestions); // } // lengthfinder(); // add the event listeners window.onload = renderQuestion(); /*setTimeout(function(){ window.onload = renderQuestion(); },2000);*/ prevButton.addEventListener('click', prevQuestion); resetButton.addEventListener('click', resetQuiz); choices.forEach(function(choice) { choice.addEventListener('click', scoring); }); $(".attempted").text(count + 1); $(".outof").text(questions.length); // functions used function scoring() { // grab the answer of the current question // $(".choices").css('box-shadow','none') answer = questions[count].answer; // console.log("what i answered :",this.innerText,"Correct ans :",questions[count].choices[answer]) // prevButton is visible when a choice is selected // console.log('answer',answer) prevFlag = true; myidhere = ; $("#"+myidhere).css("box-shadow"," 0 0 10px rgb(81 203 238)"); // THIS is the span.choice that the user clicked //alert(this.innerText.split('.')[1]); //alert(questions[count].choices[answer].split('.')[1]); if (this.innerText === questions[count].choices[answer] && flag==0) { // correctAnswer waves for prevButton use correctAnswer = true; score++; flag=1; // console.log('score',score); } else { correctAnswer = false; flag=0; } setTimeout(function(){ trackquizquestion(); var pathname = window.location.pathname.split('/'); var remove_last_part = pathname.pop(); var refresh = window.location.protocol + "//" + + pathname.join('/') + '/'+(parseInt(remove_last_part)+1); window.history.pushState({ path: refresh }, '', refresh); $("#"+myidhere).css("box-shadow","none"); }, 500); //break; // = '0 0 10px rgba(81,203,238,1)'; // then render next question // nextQuestion(); } // to change the question on option selection function answered10() { // console.log("clicked"); setTimeout(function(){ if (count <= questions.length){ nextQuestion(); } }, 500); } function nextQuestion() { if(prevFlag == true){ // count goes up count++; // console.log((count+1) , questions.length) if (count > questions.length) { count = questions.length; // console.log(count); $(".attempted").text(count); $(".outof").text(questions.length); } else if ((count) == questions.length) { // quiz is over when count reaches 20 // console.log( '(render completion)', count); renderCompletion(); $(".attempted").text(count); $(".outof").text(questions.length); } else if (count !== questions.length) { // numbers between 0 and 20 have questions that can be rendered // console.log( '(render next)', count); renderQuestion(); prevFlag = false; $(".attempted").text(count +1 ); $(".outof").text(questions.length); } } } // the prevButton will only be available to go back one question function prevQuestion() { // when the previous question renders, remove the prevButton // debugger; prevFlag = false; nextButton.classList.remove('hide'); // if the user originally clicked the correctAnswer, remove score if (correctAnswer) { correctAnswer = false; score--; } // then go back and render the old question count--; renderQuestion(); $(".attempted").text(count+1); $(".outof").text(questions.length); var pathname = window.location.pathname.split('/'); var remove_last_part = pathname.pop(); var refresh = window.location.protocol + "//" + + pathname.join('/') + '/'+(parseInt(remove_last_part)-1); window.history.pushState({ path: refresh }, '', refresh); trackquizquestion(); } function renderQuestion() { // prevButton is hidden on the first page // and if the user attempts to go back more than one question if (!prevFlag) { if(count==0){ prevButton.classList.add('hide'); } } else if (prevButton.classList.contains('hide')) { prevButton.classList.remove('hide'); } if (count+1 == questions.length){ finishbutton.classList.remove('hide'); nextButton.classList.add('hide'); }else{ finishbutton.classList.add('hide'); } if(questions[count].next_quiz_url!=''){ $('.nextQuiz').attr('href',questions[count].next_quiz_url); } else { $('.nextQuiz').css('display','none'); } // update question div with current question question.innerText = questions[count].question; $(".quizimg").attr("src", questions[count].src); if(questions[count].src==''){ $('.quizdiv').addClass('hide') }else( $('.quizdiv').removeClass('hide') ) // update each choice with the choices available in current question choices.forEach(function(choice, i) { // alert($(choices).closest("a").find('img').attr('src')); /*if(questions[count].choices[i]!=''){ choice.innerText = questions[count].choices[i]; }*/ choice.innerText = questions[count].choices[i]; if(choice.innerText==''){ choice.classList.add('hide'); } else { choice.classList.remove('hide'); } }); /*if(questions.length>1){ updateProgress(); } else { $('.progress-bar').closest("div.card-header").css('display','none'); }*/ updateProgress(); } //next button direct with no answer function renderQuestionnoans() { if((count+2) == questions.length){ console.log("chnage of buttons"); nextButton.classList.add('hide'); finishbutton.classList.remove('hide'); } // if (count+1 == questions.length){ // finishbutton.classList.remove('hide'); // }else{ // finishbutton.classList.add('hide'); // } count++ // prevButton is hidden on the first page // and if the user attempts to go back more than one question if (!prevFlag) { if(count==0){ prevButton.classList.add('hide'); } } else if (prevButton.classList.contains('hide')) { prevButton.classList.remove('hide'); } prevButton.classList.remove('hide'); // update question div with current question question.innerText = questions[count].question; $(".quizimg").attr("src", questions[count].src); if(questions[count].src==''){ $('.quizdiv').addClass('hide') }else( $('.quizdiv').removeClass('hide') ) // update each choice with the choices available in current question choices.forEach(function(choice, i) { choice.innerText = questions[count].choices[i]; if(choice.innerText==''){ choice.classList.add('hide'); } else { choice.classList.remove('hide'); } }); updateProgress(); var pathname = window.location.pathname.split('/'); var remove_last_part = pathname.pop(); var refresh = window.location.protocol + "//" + + pathname.join('/') + '/'+(parseInt(remove_last_part)+1); window.history.pushState({ path: refresh }, '', refresh); trackquizquestion(); } function renderCompletion() { updateProgress(); scorePercentage = Math.round(score/questions.length * 100) + '%'; // update with a thank you note and the user's percentage question.innerText = 'Thank you for Completing the Quiz!'; // resultsPara.innerText = 'Your score is: ' + scorePercentage; // console.log("quizcompletion") // reset avail, prevButton and choicesPara are removed finishbutton.classList.add("hide"); elementchoice.classList.add("hide"); elementresult.classList.remove("hide"); elementresult.innerHTML = "You scored : " + score + " / " + questions.length; var results='

Correct answers are :

'; for (var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { results+= '

Q.'+(i+1)+' -> '+questions[i].column_ans_text+'

'; } results+= '
'; $(elementresult).after(results); question.classList.add("text-center"); $('.quizdiv').addClass('hide') // choicesPara.classList.add('hide'); prevButton.classList.add('hide'); nextButton.classList.add('hide'); nextQuizButton.classList.remove('hide'); resetButton.classList.remove('hide'); } function updateProgress() { // progress bar will be updated as count goes up progressPercentage = Math.round(((count+1)/questions.length) * 100); = progressPercentage + '%'; $(".attempted").text(count+1); $(".outof").text(questions.length); } function resetQuiz() { // reset tracking variables count = 0; score = 0; correctAnswer = false; prevFlag = false; // resultsPara is hidden // resultsPara.innerText = ''; // choicesPara displays while resetButton is hidden // choicesPara.classList.remove('hide'); resetButton.classList.add('hide'); nextQuizButton.classList.add('hide'); nextButton.classList.remove('hide'); elementchoice.classList.remove("hide"); elementresult.innerHTML = ""; question.classList.remove("text-center"); elementresult.classList.add("hide"); finishbutton.classList.remove("hide"); $('.answer_result,.answer_result1').remove(); renderQuestion(); var pathname = window.location.pathname.split('/'); var remove_last_part = pathname.pop(); var refresh = window.location.protocol + "//" + + pathname.join('/') + '/1'; window.history.pushState({ path: refresh }, '', refresh); } function trackquizquestion() { (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-2326030-39', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); ga('send', { 'hitType': 'event', 'eventCategory': 'quiz', 'eventAction': 'pageview', 'eventLabel': $('.page-title').html(), //'eventValue': 1, 'hitCallback': function() { console.log('Sent!!'); //callback function }, 'hitCallbackFail' : function () { console.log("Unable to send Google Analytics data"); //callback function } }); } /* Created By : Sagar Pund Created At : 2020-05-03 07:35 PM Updated By : Sagar Pund Updated At : 2020-05-03 07:35 PM Section Name : quiz load more Purpose : Get Data From api/getTimepassQuizData.php *************************** START ***********************************/ /*var app = angular.module("quizdetails", []); app.controller('quizdetailsCtrl', function($scope, $http) { // Variables $scope.showLoadmore = true; $scope.row = 0; $scope.rowperpage = 4; $scope.buttonText = "Load More Quiz"; $scope.actual_url = window.location.href; // Fetch data $scope.getPosts = function() { $http({ method: 'get', url: domain + "api/getTimepassQuizData.php?start_limit=" + $scope.row + "&end_limit=" + $scope.rowperpage+"&actual_link="+$scope.actual_url, }).then(function successCallback(response) { $scope.authorarticleloadmoredatas =; if (typeof $scope.authorarticleloadmoredatas != 'undefined' && $scope.authorarticleloadmoredatas.length>0) { $scope.row += $scope.rowperpage; if ($scope.posts != undefined) { $scope.buttonText = "Loading ..."; setTimeout(function() { $scope.$apply(function() { angular.forEach(, function(item) { $scope.posts.push(item); }); $scope.buttonText = "Load More Quiz"; }); }, 1); } else { $scope.posts =; } } else { $scope.buttonText = "End of content"; // $scope.showLoadmore = false; } }); } // Call function //$scope.getPosts(); }); angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById("quizdetails"), ['quizdetails']);*/ /************************** END ************************************/