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Sangita Ghosh on playing antagonist: When you go bad. There is no limit

Updated on: 27 February,2019 08:45 AM IST  |  Mumbai

Sangita Ghosh talks about playing an antagonist in Divya Drishti

Sangita Ghosh on playing antagonist: When you go bad. There is no limit

Sangita Ghosh. Picture courtesy/Sangita Ghosh's Twitter account

Popular actress Sangita Ghosh says that playing the antagonist in TV shows gives her the power of limitlessness. After her negative role in Rishton Ka Chakravyuh, she is now seen as a 'Pishachini' in the new show Divya Drishti.

Asked what she likes about going bad, Sangita told IANS with a laugh: "There is a saying 'Good girls go to heaven (bad girls go everywhere). I think I can be everywhere."

"If you are good, your conscience needs to be clean. When you are bad, conscience isn't there. I am only talking about roles here. There's a lot more you can try and experiment with, when you go bad. There is no limit. I like the limitlessness," she added.

Divya Drishti is her entry to the supernatural space.

"It's something that I had never done before. I had done almost everything on television as a protagonist. Then a negative role was offered to me. I did that in my last show," said the Des Mein Niklla Hoga Chand actress.

"When I was offered this role, I was like 'this is such a dark role and I'll get to do stuff that I had never done before'. I loved the character. She is not the regular horrifying looking supernatural entity that keeps on flying. She is very confident," she added.

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