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UP couple booked for chopping off dog's genital

Updated on: 14 April,2021 09:02 AM IST  |  Kanpur

The dog owner, Suresh Singh, alleged that his neighbour and his wife and one other person had allegedly slashed off the genital of his pet dog with a sharp-edged weapon

UP couple booked for chopping off dog's genital

Photo for representational purpose

In a shocking case of animal cruelty, a couple has been accused of chopping off the genital of a pet dog. The dog's owner has accused his neighbour and his wife of chopping off the genital of his pet dog on Monday. The seriously injured dog has been admitted to a veterinary hospital.

The incident occurred in Sujanpur locality under the limits of Rasoolabad police station of Kanpur on Monday. The dog owner, Suresh Singh, alleged that his neighbour and his wife and one other person had allegedly slashed off the genital of his pet dog with a sharp-edged weapon.

"Hearing dog's shrieks, we immediately rushed to the spot and after seeing the animal trembling in pain, rushed it to a veterinary hospital and later lodged a complaint with local police," Suresh told reporters. The police said they have received a complaint from Suresh and are investigating the matter. The motive behind the incident is not yet known.

Rasoolabad inspector Shashi Bhushan Mishra, said, "A sub-inspector has been sent to the place of incident and the veterinary hospital to verify the incident. If the charges are found to be true, the culprits would be booked under Section 429 (mischief by killing or maiming cattle, etc) of the Indian Penal Code and Section 11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act."

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