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Coronavirus Outbreak: Bengaluru Polices riddles amuse netizens

Updated on: 11 June,2020 12:00 AM IST  | 
mid-day online correspondent |

The messages behind the riddles posted by Bengaluru City Police on Twitter are both guidelines for people to follow and messages to spread awareness about the pandemic

Coronavirus Outbreak: Bengaluru Polices riddles amuse netizens

This picture has been used for representational purposes

If solving riddles is one of your favourite pastimes, then Bengaluru City Police’s series of posts on Twitter can be something you would enjoy solving. And even if you don’t like solving riddles, then the important messages behind these posts will definitely pique your interest.

For the past few days, the Bengaluru City police have been posting interesting and intriguing riddles now and then on their Twitter page that have got the netizens hooked on to. The messages behind the riddles are either guidelines for people to follow or to spread awareness about the containing the Coronavirus pandemic.

One of their recent posts on the riddles was shared on Wednesday for which they wrote in the captions, “Think short acronym. Think ‘can I reorder the words to answer the riddle.’

Many people tried solving the riddle with some ending up posting the right answer. In case if you’re wondering what the answer might be, it is the World Health Organisation or WHO.

Earlier this week, the police department tweeted another ‘tricky’ riddle but with an important message behind it. The captions read, “This riddle might seem a little tricky, but it isn’t!”

If you have cracked the riddle and guessed the answer, then yes, it is social distancing, which is the need of the hour to contain the spread of this deadly pandemic.

In the riddle previous to the above one, the police department posted an ‘easy’ one with a necessary message behind it, especially for netizens. The captions read, “We know this is an easy one. Had to ask, though.”

Did you get the message behind this one? In this post, the police department urges netizens not to share ‘fake news’ on their social media profiles. 

Now this one is a ‘tough’ one to solve, but it is about one of the essential items one must carry while on-the-go to keep your hands clean and sanitised and it useful for saving lives! The police department tweeted for the caption, “Some riddles are hard to crack, others lead to saving lives.”

You must have guessed it by now, and you have guessed it right! It is a ‘hand sanitiser!’

Here’s another riddle and this one asks netizens to wear the essential accessory to protect themselves from the illness in public. The caption reads, “Riddle riddle on the timeline, who’s the smartest of us all?”

This was an easy one to crack! It a ‘mask’, and government has made it mandatory to wear a three-layer one in public to contain the spread of the pandemic.

Hope you have also solved the other riddles posted on the microblogging platform by the police department. The netizens have highly appreciated these posts by the Bengaluru City Police on social media by guessing the right answers to the riddles and by lauding their immense creativity behind curating such posts.

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