
5 habits harming your heart health

Pic: iStock

By Raaina Jain
Published Sep 28, 2024

Neglecting mental health

Chronic stress can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms—like overeating or smoking—that further harm cardiovascular well-being.

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Sleep deprivation

Poor sleep patterns can elevate blood pressure, contribute to obesity and also harm heart health.

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Leading a sedentary lifestyle

Sitting for prolonged periods not only affects weight but also increases the risk of hypertension and heart disease.

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Eating processed food

They often hide high levels of sugars and unhealthy trans-fats that contribute to inflammation and high cholesterol, also harming heart health.

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Tips to navigate post-festive blues

Warning signs of burnout as per experts

Hydration missteps

Many underestimate the importance of water in maintaining cardiovascular function.

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(Inputs by Dr. Talha Meeran, Consultant, Advanced Cardiac Sciences and Heart Transplant, Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital)

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