
Treating common cold in winter

Aakanksha Ahire

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Jan 05, 2024

Rapidly changing weather patterns and fluctuating temperatures can weaken the body`s immune system and make it more susceptible to viral infections

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Stress and lack of sleep may also play a role, as they can compromise our ability to fight off illnesses

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Another factor worth considering is the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions, leading to increased social interaction and exposure to different germs

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Individuals need to prioritise their health by getting adequate sleep, managing stress levels effectively, maintaining good hygiene practices

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Even though most patients have a habit of popping common cold-related tablets, OTC (over-the-counter) medicines are not advisable

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It is always safer to consult your doctor before consuming OTC medications. You can also try out Ayurvedic home remedies to soothe the cold

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