
Tips to gear up for the marathon season

Mid-day online correspondent

By Mid-day online correspondent
Published Dec 14, 2023

Start with a base mileage that you are comfortable with and gradually increase it each week. A common rule is to not increase your mileage by more than 10 pct

Ensure that your training plan includes rest days and easy recovery runs. Your body needs time to recover and adapt to the increased workload

Include cross-training activities such as cycling, swimming or strength training in your routine. This helps improve overall fitness, prevents burnout


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Focus on the quality of your runs rather than just accumulating miles. Incorporate interval training, tempo runs and hill workouts to improve your speed

While it is tempting to increase mileage, it is crucial to do so on a consistent basis and not suddenly to avoid muscle rupture

Horoscope today: December 14, 2023

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