
Tips to follow NYE Resolutions

Nascimento Pinto

By Nascimento Pinto
Published Jan 02, 2024

Steps to choose your resolution

The steps include the SMART criteria, includes reflecting on the past year, identifying your personal values, prioritising your goals, and making small changes

Nascimento Pinto

Setting realistic resolutions

Realistic resolutions generally yield more success, fostering incremental progress and a sense of accomplishment, as opposed to purposefully difficult goals

Nascimento Pinto

Prioritising your resolutions

People should categorise resolutions into key areas such as health, career, relationships, personal development, and hobbies

Nascimento Pinto


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Short, mid-term, long-term resolutions

Breaking resolutions into short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals enhances success by establishing milestones, facilitating progress tracking, and adjustments

Nascimento Pinto

Steps to avoid getting overwhelmed

Individuals can establish achievable, specific goals, break them into manageable steps, and focus on cultivating one habit at a time instead of an overhaul

Nascimento Pinto

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