Cold dish foods to beat the heat

Cold dish foods to beat the heat

Mid-day online correspondent

By Mid-day online correspondent
Published Jun 03, 2023

This salad is inspired by Thai raw mango and papaya salad that usually has tamarind and fish sauce

Mango salad

This salad is inspired by Thai raw mango and papaya salad that usually has tamarind and fish sauce

Also known as a vegetable drink, gazpacho is a cold soup with its origins in Spain

Beetroot gazpacho

Also known as a vegetable drink, gazpacho is a cold soup with its origins in Spain


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Mango & avocado Vietnamese rice rolls

While hosting, apart from salads, cold appetisers work wonderfully on a along with hot, grill and fried items


Sasranga is a type of Indian meat loaf from Sailana, Madhya Pradesh that is commonly eaten with tea as a snack

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