
How to lose weight without joining a gym

How to lose weight without joining a gym

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Apr 22, 2023

When starting out, perform exercises that are less intense. Gradually upgrade the workout sessions as per your endurance level

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Start by incorporating cardio exercises like jumping jacks and T jumps. You can also start with lunges, planks, crunches, and hip movements

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The best time to workout is early in the morning for over 30 to 60 minutes depending on your endurance level

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Don’t neglect warm-up and cool-down exercises pre and post-workout sessions. They help the body in dealing well with the rapid movements of the exercises

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To treat exercise-induced pain, use ice packs to soothe sore muscles after the workout. Be consistent with your workout for best results

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An ice bath is the best way to reduce soreness. Along with that, an adequate amount of rest and relaxed sitting and sleeping positions are also key

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If you don’t like working out but wish to lose weight, brisk walking, swimming, cycling, and breathing exercises also yield great results

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Alongside working out to lose weight, focus on your diet. Eat whole foods, minimise consuming processed foods, and limit the intake of simple sugars

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To regain strength post-workout, consume a combination of high-quality protein with healthy fats

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Switch to health munching foods like soaked nuts, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and makhanas when hungry

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