How nail colour can signal cancer risk

How nail colour can signal cancer risk


By Mid-day Online Correspondent
Published May 18, 2024
A coloured band along the length of the nail may indicate the risk of developing cancerous tumours of the skin, eyes, and kidneys, finds a study

A coloured band along the length of the nail may indicate the risk of developing cancerous tumours of the skin, eyes, and kidneys, finds a study

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This may lead to the diagnosis of a rare inherited disorder, known as BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome, that raises the risk of developing cancerous tumours

This may lead to the diagnosis of a rare inherited disorder, known as BAP1 tumour predisposition syndrome, that raises the risk of developing cancerous tumours

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Mutations in the BAP1 gene drive the syndrome, which normally acts as a tumour suppressor, among other functions

Mutations in the BAP1 gene drive the syndrome, which normally acts as a tumour suppressor, among other functions

Photo Courtesy: iStock


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This finding is rarely seen in the general population. The presence of nail changes that suggest onychopapillomas on multiple nails must have prompt diagnosis

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Nail screening may be particularly valuable in a patient with a personal or family history of melanoma or other potential BAP1-associated malignancy

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