
Horoscope today: January 26, 2024

Shirley Bose

By Sanjana Deshpande
Published Jan 26, 2024

Pisces (Feb 20 – March 20)

Being involved in an environmental issue brings so much joy and feeling of achievement. Health is good.

Aquarius (Jan 21 – Feb 19)

Paying attention to advice from people who genuinely care, helps set life on the right path again.

Capricorn (Dec 23 – Jan 20)

The relationship with your spouse/ partner may gradually inch from ‘fair’ to ‘stormy’. A new endeavour planned may be dropped suddenly.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 22)

Some singles may be considering marriage. Winning a legal dispute or court case feels great. Do get enough sleep.

Virgo  (Aug 24 – Sept 23)

Limitations are only as strong as being perceived. Move ahead of them with strength and faith. This karmic cycle supports realizing a longed-for wish/ dream.

Libra (Sept 24 – Oct 22)

There’s no question of compromising on a matter about which you feel very strongly. Circumstances change by tomorrow so remain firm about it.

Scorpio  (Oct 23 – Nov 22)

Exercising regularly keeps the body fit and mind sharp. Help others when needed and be kind to yourself.

Cancer  (June 22 – July 23)

A delayed payment is received finally, which is a relief. Don’t forcibly hold onto a friendship.

Leo  (July 24 - Aug 23)

Being genuinely kind is energy that comes back threefold when least expected. Stay with business decisions already made for now.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Feeling confused is not your normal state of mind, so mentally step back from the issue for a while.


BMC building, CSMT lit up in tricolour

South Mumbai buildings lit in tricolour

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Living in the moment with peace and faith in the universe creates a smoothly moving karmic cycle. Be aware of calories consumed.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Being aware of karmas helps you deal with them one at a time to your fullest and best capacity. Are you secretly feeling low?

BMC building, CSMT lit up in tricolour

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