
5 TIps before Coming Out of the Closet


By Sachin Heliya
Published Mar 20, 2023

Seek support

Before coming out, it`s important to have a support system in place. This can include friends, family members, or a therapist.

Start small

Start by telling one person you trust and feel comfortable with, and then gradually tell others as you feel ready

Find resources

There are many resources available to help you come out, including LGBTQ support groups, online forums, and social media communities. These can be valuable.


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Be prepared for different reactions

Some people may be accepting and supportive, while others may not understand or may react negatively. It`s important to be prepared for different reactions

Be kind to yourself

Coming out can be a challenging and emotional process, so it`s important to be kind to yourself. you are not alone. There are many who have gone through it.

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