Easy tips to beat exhaustion

Easy tips to beat exhaustion

Aakanksha Ahire

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published May 25, 2023
Do you feel tired constantly? There can be many common factors responsible for it like sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, genetic conditions, and stress

Do you feel tired constantly? There can be many common factors responsible for it like sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, genetic conditions, and stress

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Even if you feel tired, push yourself to begin. Once you do it every day, it gets easier

Exercise daily

Even if you feel tired, push yourself to begin. Once you do it every day, it gets easier

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Limit your caffeine intake. Try avoiding drinking more than a cup of coffee a day

Coffee consumption

Limit your caffeine intake. Try avoiding drinking more than a cup of coffee a day

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Smoking and drinking

Avoid smoking and limit your consumption of alcohol

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Sleep well

Get sufficient amount of sleep to feel fresh and active throughout the day

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Manage stress

Reduce and manage all kinds of stress by practising yoga and meditation daily. This will help your mind to calm down


Drink plenty of water to beat lethargy and stay fresh for long hours. It will also help in flushing out all the toxins from your body

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Eat right

Consume foods rich in iron and proteins, like green leafy vegetables, meat, beans, peas, lentils, whole grains, and nuts. Eat fruits daily to gain energy

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Avoid junk food

Limit eating processed foods, refined sugars, and fried foods, as they cause low-grade inflammation in the gut and can lead to anxiety, fatigue, and low energy

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