WhatsApp rolling out new interface for app settings on iOS beta

21 August,2023 11:55 PM IST |  San Francisco  |  IANS

Beta users will see that the settings tab has been replaced by a new `You` tab that displays the profile photo, and will help users to easily switch to a different account when the multi-account feature launches, reports WABetaInfo

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Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is rolling out a new interface for the app settings on iOS beta.

Beta users will see that the settings tab has been replaced by a new 'You' tab that displays the profile photo, and will help users to easily switch to a different account when the multi-account feature launches, reports WABetaInfo.

With the new interface, the platform also introduced three new entry points to better highlight the important sections of the app.

This will allow users to easily access privacy settings, the contacts list, and the profile.

Also, users will notice a new shortcut which will be placed over the profile photo, allowing them to view and share their personal QR code.

The new settings interface is currently available to some beta testers that install the latest update of WhatsApp beta for iOS from the TestFlight app, and is rolling out to more users over the coming weeks, the report said.

Last week, it was reported that the messaging platform had started to roll out a caption message edit feature on Android and iOS.

With this feature, users can edit captions for videos, GIFs and documents, within 15 minutes of sending the message.

However, users can edit a message with a caption only from the device from which it was originally sent.

Also, Meta Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg had announced that WhatsApp users can now send photos in HD quality.

HD Photos feature is rolling out globally, with HD Videos also coming soon, the company had said.

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