Instagram to use video selfies for identity verification: Report

17 November,2021 12:52 PM IST |  New Delhi  |  IANS

With this feature, Meta is looking to reduce the number of fake or spam accounts on the platform

This picture has been used for representational purpose

Meta-owned photo-sharing app Instagram is reportedly asking some users to provide a video selfie showing multiple angles of their face to verify the account. According to XDA Developers, multiple users have reported being asked to take a video selfie to verify their existing accounts. The company started testing the feature last year but ran into technical issues. Meta is looking to this feature to reduce the number of fake or spam accounts on the platform.

Once the video is recorded, users will need to submit the video to platform for confirmation of identity. As per report, this video will never be visible on Instagram and will be deleted from the servers within 30 days. Meanwhile, Instagram is testing a new feature called 'Take a Break' to encourage people to take regular breaks from using the Meta-owned photo-sharing app.

According to Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, the long-awaited 'Take a Break' feature will remind users when they have spent a long time on the platform. 'Take a Break' is expected to be more widely available in December, Mosseri added. The new feature comes amid increased criticism that Instagram is harmful to its teen users. Recently, American whistleblower Frances Haugen revealed how popular social media apps can adversely affect young people's mental health.

Also Read: Twitter no longer auto-loads new tweets on web

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