28 December,2024 08:50 AM IST | Mumbai | Aparna Bose
Aparna Bose
March 21 - April 19
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Be willing to put in a little extra effort, especially with tasks you don't really want to do. Situations may not be exactly as they seem, and you might need to make very practical and mature decisions. This is a positive year for singles, and those in a committed relationship who want to get married.
LOOK TO CHANGE The way you deal with conflict, especially if you find it difficult to handle your emotions. Try and approach challenges from a detached perspective, so that you can see the larger picture and not just what is immediately apparent. Taking action without thinking situations through may lead to unnecessary complications which you can avoid.
LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Stay committed to projects and see them through till the end instead of wanting to give up if they get boring. Harness any risk taking impulses in the right direction, and have faith in yourself and your abilities without being unrealistic. Use the advantages you have wisely, and remember that not everything has to go your way.
LOOK FORWARD TO Being able to plan both your professional as well as personal life more efficiently. You would manage to make time for hobbies and sport. Health would overall improve if you give it the right attention without going to extremes. Partnerships and teamwork would be much smoother as long as you do not make demands that the other person would find difficult
to meet.
WORDS FOR THE WISE Focus on inner peace and well-being, along with everyday issues. Remember that abundance takes many forms; and try and find happiness even in the small things in life. Be honest with yourself, and work on areas you can improve on. Take any commitments you make seriously, even if it means putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation.
April 20 - May 20
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Major and sudden changes might shake you up, but it will all be for the very best. Don't try to force matters, and there will be continuous progress. This is a positive time for singles, and you should not get too stuck up in a "what if" mental scenario. Be proactive with handling finances, even if the amounts are relatively small.
LOOK TO CHANGE Your approach to situations that put you completely out of your comfort zone. Try not to let your intellect take over your emotions, as that could lead to making harsh decisions. Those who tend to take on the responsibilities of others might want to take a very clear look at what their duty really is.
LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Take your career to the next level, and ignoring distractions and unnecessary stressful situations. Focus on creating firm foundations in your professional as well as personal life, and pay attention to improving yourself every step of the way. Handle any changes in life cycles as well as you can - this is how you can be an inspiration to others.
LOOK FORWARD TO Clarity in seeing people and situations for what they are. You will quickly be able to recognise impractical situations or choices for what they are, and make better decisions, even if you go contrary to what "popular opinion" is. Letting go of the past will be much easier, as you would be able to forgive and forget much more easily.
WORDS FOR THE WISE Expressing gratitude for what you have will bring in more abundance. Any desire to improve yourself will be worthwhile only if you actually make the effort - you will be surprised at how much you would enjoy the process, even with its challenges. Finding a balance will be much easier once you recognise what non-materialistic decisions make you truly happy.
May 21 - June 20
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Those in high-pressure jobs need to be very mindful about how they handle stress. Be willing to change and adapt to circumstances, and do not remain stuck on doing things the way you want. Focus on investing as much as possible, and avoid spending on things which depreciate in value.
LOOK TO CHANGE The way you handle negotiations and conflicts if your present manner is not working out to your advantage. Those who are still dealing with an issue from the past should work through it and put it finally to rest - consciously try not to repeat past mistakes. Look at clearing any debt you may have in the most effective manner.
LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Achieve a Phoenix like renewal in areas of your life you are not happy with. This of course may require a major shift in what you think you are capable of. Take a little extra care of your health and create a work-personal life balance that gives you the best of both. This is the time to truly create the life you want for yourself.
LOOK FORWARD TO Opportunities to meet new people, and deepen connections with those already in your life. Networking, both professional and personal will be quite successful as long as you choose wisely and from a long term perspective. This is a very good time to make long term future plans, and look at how you can put them in place step by step.
WORDS FOR THE WISE Work on unresolved issues, especially with any family members. This may be an uncomfortable process, but you will feel much lighter once it is done. Those who feel drawn to spiritual matters would find much comfort in a regular practice. Look to find a balance in all things - life need not be either/or, with one thing at the expense of the other.
June 21 - July 22
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Make the most of opportunities, and do not let any fear, especially from the past get the better of you. Those dealing with legal matters need to be very clear and make honest decisions. This is a positive time for financial matters as long as you keep a realistic perspective. Take a little extra care of your health.
LOOK TO CHANGE How you handle bosses and authority figures if you find yourself having too many differences with them. Be comfortable with changing situations, and try not to expect perfection from others and yourself. Make choices without getting into over analysis, and thinking about alternate scenarios. Handle friendships and relationships in a balanced manner.
A better control over your finances if you have been neglecting investments lately. This is a good time to consolidate your resources and plan for the future. Make the most of your potential, and be willing to learn new skills. Work on yourself with clarity without being too hard on yourself.
LOOK FORWARD TO Understanding when to let go of a situation and cut your losses. The ability to maintain a sense of focus and direction will help you achieve any goals you have. Use your discernment to know when to make any calculated risks, and when to stay safe. You would be able to find your own way of doing things, which works best for you.
WORDS FOR THE WISE Honesty with yourself, especially when you find yourself demotivated would help you understand yourself better, and guide you to make better decisions. Try not to be too headstrong when you feel very strongly about something; think the situation through to find the best way of handling it. Try and pursue an artistic hobby like music or sculpture if you feel drawn to it.
July 23 - Aug 22
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Put in your best at work, and handle any extra responsibilities as best possible. Any legal issues need to be sorted out as promptly as possible - do not take an easy way out if it involves any government documentation. Handle finances very carefully, and do not put all your money into a single investment.
LOOK TO CHANGE Your approach to situations if you find yourself caught in the same loop time and again. Those who tend to behave impulsively need to keep calm, and rely on their strength of character rather than any fears. Pay attention to moments when you expect the worst, and don't allow yourself to get carried away by negative emotions.
LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Plan for the future in an extremely practical as well as creative manner, especially if you have major goals you want to achieve. Be patient when you need to, but act decisively when the situation requires it. Listen to your true inner guidance, and do not judge by appearances; not everyone is honest, especially if they have something to gain from you.
LOOK FORWARD TO Working on, and letting go of situations from the past - the worst is over, and should not get repeated as long as you maintain an awareness of lessons learnt. Relationships can improve and thrive if you approach them in the right manner, do not expect to get your way every time. New situations and challenges will keep you busy and lessons learnt will be intense.
WORDS FOR THE WISE Making lifestyle changes would be the key to better health and higher energy levels. Pay close attention to your food habits and sleep patterns. Try and avoid social media for at least an hour before you go to sleep. Work also on listening to your intuition, especially if it is saying something you do not want to hear.
August 23 - September 22
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT New beginnings, and a letting go of situations that may have caused you stress in the past may come as a surprise. Do not be afraid to take a leap of faith when life asks you to. This is a positive time for singles who are looking to get married; be open to meeting different people, even if they are not your "type".
LOOK TO CHANGE How you deal with any conflicts if you find yourself getting unnecessarily caught up in other peoples' drama. Those on a restricted budget might want to look at their money management habits, and make any changes they need to. Be willing to change your ideas if you find yourself caught in a loop of worrying about the future.
LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Expand your personal as well as professional network if that is something you want. Any conflicts can get resolved with relative ease if you let go of trying to control outcomes. Make the most of opportunities, and pay attention to good advice, even if you do not like the source. Be willing to go out of your comfort zone.
LOOK FORWARD TO Improved health if health has been an issue in the recent past, especially if you make a decisive effort to incorporate lifestyle changes into your daily routine. Renewed clarity will make it much easier to take important decisions, especially if they involve major changes. People who do not have your best interests at heart should show their true feelings, and it is up to you to see the truth for what it is.
WORDS FOR THE WISE Some situations will not get resolved unless you work on them, and you might need to make some hard-hitting choices. Finding your centre during any challenging moments would need to be a conscious choice. Any emotional healing can happen only when you accept yourself and also take responsibility for the choices you have made in the past.
September 23 - October 22
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Maintain your focus, and be willing to change direction when it is necessary. Friendships and relationships may be a focus, with you evaluating the place people have in your life. This is a positive year for self-employed businesspersons, especially those working in their family business. Focus on building financial stability and security.
LOOK TO CHANGE The way you handle intense emotions - whether you tend to get over analytical or totally give in to feelings; both extremes mean that you may not be making effective decisions. Pay attention to your energy levels and try and maintain a balance that keeps your mind and body active. Remember that what you do now will affect your future.
LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Not allow any negativity, especially negative people to get the better of you. Those who need to make lifestyle changes regarding smoking or alcohol might want to get professional help if they need it. Use your willpower in the right direction, and work on achieving your goals, even if it seems like a challenge.
LOOK FORWARD TO The ability to handle conflict in a more effective manner, as long as you do not let your ego get the better of you. Finances can improve, but you might need to change how you handle any debts you might have. Sharing of thoughts and ideas will become easier as you gain more clarity and confidence.
WORDS FOR THE WISE Paying attention to your emotions will help you handle them better, which in turn will help you make more effective choices. Any challenges from the past which no longer actually have a hold on you should be let go of. Listen to the subtle signals your body gives you, and avoid taking the easy way out if it is not really the right thing to do.
October 23 - November 22
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Family matters and relationships could be a focus, especially if there are any inheritance issues that need to be sorted out. Make well thought out financial decisions, and do not give in to the urge to spend to keep up with other people or impress them. Those with a boss who micromanages need to handle the person very strategically.
LOOK TO CHANGE The way you deal with any conflict, if your present manner is not working out as well as it could. Those who want to improve their health would have to make a very focused effort - do not try too many different workouts or mix your diet up too much. Focus on what you can change, rather than what is unavoidable.
LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Use your imagination to its maximum potential and not let yourself get bogged down, while maintaining a flexible attitude to get any help you might need. Learn from the past, and make it a point not to repeat any mistakes you might have made. Handle
any competition in a diplomatic manner without giving your
power away.
LOOK FORWARD TO More options and the ability to make nuanced, well thought out decisions. Your intuition would work very well, as long as you are ready to listen to it. You might find yourself remembering things that were stored deep in your subconscious and this would bring a lot of clarity to any deep questions you may have.
WORDS FOR THE WISE Pay attention to details, but don't allow yourself to get bogged down if it makes you lose sight of the bigger picture. Your ruthless determination to succeed can be used for good or for bad, depending on the choices you make. Remember that abundance comes in many forms, including health, relationships and happiness.
November 21-December 21
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Calculated risks would pay off in a perhaps surprising manner, and you would be able to make long term plans with much more ease. Pay attention to your career, but keep out of office politics, and be very careful what you say on social media and in messages. Focus on building stability in your finances rather than looking for quick gain.
LOOK TO CHANGE What you think are your capabilities and limits. Most of the blocks you face may be self-created, especially if you have the tendency to over dramatize situations. There may be times when doing what looks like a very insignificant task would actually give you immense satisfaction. Be your own best cheerleader rather than harshest critic.
LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Get control over any not really good for you habits you may have. Those who eat out a lot should think of eating more of home cooked food. Approach situations from a space of logic rather than emotions, and respond rather than rush to reply. Evaluate your position before making decisions both in your professional as well as personal life.
LOOK FORWARD TO A better balanced personal and professional life if that is something that you need to work on. Singles could find themselves with options, and should be very clear about what they are looking for. Working on the spiritual side of life would give you a very deep sense of joy and connectedness; remember to keep an open heart in the process.
WORDS FOR THE WISE Acting with consciousness may mean doing things that take you out of your comfort zone, and focusing on doing what is right rather than what you want or is convenient for you. The inherent skills you have will not manifest unless you work on them with awareness. Great art and beauty come from the soul - focus on positivity and positive people.
December 22-January 19
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Home and family finances might be a focus, with well thought out decisions and plans needed. This is a positive time for signing any new work contracts, and you could see a major rise in income if you are at that stage in your career. Take a little extra care of your health, especially if you have any chronic health issues you are already facing.
LOOK TO CHANGE The way you approach situations when you do not have enough clarity; new ideas may need to be worked through. Avoid getting involved with impractical schemes, no matter how exciting they may sound. Giving in to situations just to avoid temporary conflict may create more problems for you to deal with in the future.
LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Improve your health and overall fitness no matter what your age. This is a good time to work on giving up any negative habits you may have, and channelling your energy in a better direction. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses before making important decisions. You have the tools to gather all the information you need.
LOOK FORWARD TO The ability to recognize what is genuinely good for you, and the potential to walk away from what is not. Expressing yourself in an appropriate manner will be easier, especially when you need to make very strong points. You would have the wisdom to discern between what is right and wrong, and make decisions accordingly.
WORDS FOR THE WISE Any challenging situations, whether physical or emotional can be worked on if you decide you want to. Remember that nothing worthwhile comes easily, and there may be times when the path is not clear. Those struggling with an issue from the past would need to practice forgiving the others involved and themselves.
January 20-February 18
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Look at situations as they are realistically instead of ignoring them or over reacting. Try to avoid getting into any legal issues, and be very careful if you have no choice but to get into one. Challenging relationships need to be handled with justice, even if it means the other side getting their way on occasion.
LOOK TO CHANGE How you handle challenging situations that seem to be unfair. Any actions from your past may show their consequences, and you would need to know when to walk away from what is not good for you. Ideas need to be practical and rooted in reality, especially if it is about a business or hobby you want to turn into a business.
LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Work with and through any challenges you face, and do what is right. Step back and examine situations from as detached a perspective as possible. Be comfortable with changing situations and look forward to new beginnings. Recognise situations when going back to basics is the best option, and keep a beginners attitude.
LOOK FORWARD TO Situations getting clearer once you have a plan in place, even if it a very basic plan. Pay attention to clues your subconscious memory sends you, and listen to your intuition. This is a generally positive time for self employed businesspersons as long as they make very straightforward and practical decisions. Advice from a mentor would be invaluable.
WORDS FOR THE WISE Remember that fear constricts your soul and can prevent you from finding your true potential. Fill your heart with courage and a passion to do what is right. You do not have to live your life just as others have, but rebelling just for the sake of it may also not work out in the end. Remember that there are no choices and actions without consequences.
February 19-March 20
ANNUAL SNAPSHOT Look at situations from a different perspective, especially if you find yourself pushed into making decisions only to please others. There could be a change of residence for some, and even a shift to another city if that is something you want. Handle finances with a balance that reflects your actual situation rather than any fears.
LOOK TO CHANGE What is not working for you, even if it is something that is convenient and comfortable. Remember that relationships both personal and professional need to be a two-way street - look at any imbalances and work on them. You would have to work for any goals you want to achieve. Just be aware that you are not lead by a need for status or recognition.
LEVERAGE YOUR POWER TO Be patient and deal with situations as per their actual need. Finances if handled properly can improve, but you should avoid any get rich quick schemes. Those dealing with any chronic health issue would need to make perhaps drastic lifestyle changes to manage their health better. You are capable of much more if you put your mind to it.
LOOK FORWARD TO Easing pressures, even if situations happen very suddenly. Any legal matters would be manageable as long as you know what the laws are. Self-employed businesspersons have the potential to grow their business to a very comfortable level. Taking on a leadership position will be easier than you think - just keep your priorities right!
WORDS FOR THE WISE Patience may sometimes be frustrating, but nature has its own time - this is especially true if you want to start a new project; be willing to build a strong foundation slowly. Don't forget to make time for yourself too, instead of filling your day with projects to keep you busy. Work on keeping yourself focused instead of giving in to distractions.