Photos: When porn stars got down and dirty on the football field

Porn actresses have much more to them than just films. These photos of porn stars taking part in a fun soccer match of Germany vs Denmark few years ago are proof

Updated On: 2017-08-11 12:24 PM IST

Porn actresses with body paint football jerseys take part in a fun soccer match of Germany vs Denmark a few years ago during the Euro 2012 (Pics/ AFP)

Porn actresses with body paint football jerseys take part in a fun soccer match of Germany vs Denmark a few years ago during the Euro 2012 (Pics/ AFP)

Porn actresses with body paint football jerseys plant a kiss on each other's lips

Porn actresses with body paint football jerseys plant a kiss on each other's lips

Porn actresses with body paint playfully stretch before their match

Porn actresses with body paint playfully stretch before their match

Porn actresses get playful during the football game

Porn actresses get playful during the football game

Female porn stars playfully dance in the middle of the game

Female porn stars playfully dance in the middle of the game

Porn stars really do know how to warm up before a game

Porn stars really do know how to warm up before a game

A porn star tries to head the football

A porn star tries to head the football

Female porn stars trying to tackle the football during the game

Female porn stars trying to tackle the football during the game

Porn actresses during play time of the football match

Porn actresses during play time of the football match

Porn actresses with body paint football jerseys in the colors of Germany poses as they take part

Porn actresses with body paint football jerseys in the colors of Germany poses as they take part

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