Vinesh Phogat bags gold in 55kg category

04 February,2024 07:40 AM IST |  Jaipur  |  PTI

Vinesh showcased her experience by defeating her opponent from Madhya Pradesh Jyoti 4-0 despite the ace grappler competing in a higher weight category

Vinesh Phogat

Asian Games gold medallist Vinesh Phogat clinched the 55kg gold medal in the Senior National Wrestling Championships being organised by the IOA-constituted ad-hoc committee, here on Sunday.

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Vinesh showcased her experience by defeating her opponent from Madhya Pradesh Jyoti 4-0 despite the ace grappler competing in a higher weight category.

In another keen contest, 2021 World Championship silver medallist, Haryana's Anshu Malik defeated 2020 Asian Championship gold medallist Sarita Mor (Railways) 8-3 in the 59kg category.

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