Arjun Lal Jat, Arvind Singh ‘back’ from the brink!

25 September,2023 08:18 AM IST |  Hangzhou  |  Ashwin Ferro

However, the final was anything but easy for the Indian pair given that Arvind had just recovered from a serious back injury

Babu Lal Yadav (left) and Lekh Ram with their bronze medals

India's first rowing medal at the Asian Games here, a silver won by Arjun Lal Jat and Arvind Singh in the lightweight men's double sculls, seemed rather easy on the eye.

The Indians began well and were even in the lead for the first quarter of the race before the Chinese rallied to a comfortable victory in 6:23.16. India settled for the silver with more than five seconds separating them from the gold. However, the final was anything but easy for the Indian pair given that Arvind had just recovered from a serious back injury.

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Arvind had been suffering from a lower back injury, which he says is common to rowers in this event given the intense pressure on the muscles closer to the bottom part of the spine, for quite a few months in the build-up to this Asian Games. In fact, so intense was the pain at one point that it threatened to derail the pair's chances of winning a medal in any international event ever.

"I was in a lot of pain until last month and even told Arjun that it seems our partnership could be over. He was worried and so was I. But, thankfully, with some good rest and physiotherapy, I recovered completely a month back. Today was the true test of my back and fitness and I'm glad I was able to deliver this medal for my country. All that pain is forgotten now," said Arvind with a broad smile.

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