Rafael Nadal considered to be 'ideal boss' in Spanish survey

21 March,2018 08:40 AM IST |  Madrid  |  IANS

The current No.2 in the ATP rankings was chosen as the ideal boss for the fourth consecutive year after claiming 34.4 per cent of the votes, reports Xinhua news agency

Rafael Nadal

Spanish tennis ace Rafael Nadal is the sports personality most Spaniards would like to have as their boss, according to a report published by a human resource company. The current No.2 in the ATP rankings was chosen as the ideal boss for the fourth consecutive year after claiming 34.4 per cent of the votes, reports Xinhua news agency.

Some 2,300 Spanish people, aged between 18 and 65 years, were interviewed and had to pick which personalities from the worlds of sport, show-business, communications and international affairs they would like to work with.

FC Barcelona footballer, Andres Iniesta (a businessman in his own right with a successful vineyard) was chosen behind Nadal in the sports category after winning 21.5 per cent of the vote, just ahead of basketball star Pau Gasol who captured 21.2 per cent of the vote.

Other sports personalities the Spanish think would make good bosses include swimmer Mireia Belmonte, Formula One driver Fernando Alonso and current Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane.

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