After equaliser, Diaz appeals for release of kidnapped dad

07 November,2023 08:16 AM IST |  Luton  |  AP

He revealed a T-shirt with the words “Libertad Para Papa” (freedom for papa) after the goal. Diaz followed that up with a post on Instagram later on Sunday

Luis Diaz reveals a t-shirt with the words ‘Libertad Para Papa’ (freedom for papa) after scoring against Luton. Pic/Getty Images

Luis Diaz returned to Liverpool's team and scored a late equaliser in its Premier League match against Luton, with his father still missing after being kidnapped by a guerrilla group in Colombia.

Diaz had missed Liverpool's last two games, but trained since Thursday and was selected on the bench for the match at Kenilworth Road. He entered the game in the 83rd and scored in the fifth minute of stoppage time to secure a 1-1 draw for his team.

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He revealed a T-shirt with the words "Libertad Para Papa" (freedom for papa) after the goal. Diaz followed that up with a post on Instagram later on Sunday.

It read: "Today, the footballer is not speaking to you. Today, Lucho Diaz, the son of Luis Manuel Diaz, is speaking to you. I ask the ELN for the prompt release of my father, and I ask international organisations to work together for his freedom."

Both of Diaz's parents were kidnapped in the small Colombian town of Barrancas last weekend, though his mother was rescued within hours by police.

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