Team India in pursuit of excellence: Virat Kohli

03 August,2021 07:13 AM IST |  Nottingham  |  PTI

Led by Kohli, India will take on Joe Root’s England in a five-match Test series, beginning here from Wednesday. 

Virat Kohli. Pic/AFP

India captain Virat Kohli on Monday said it takes relentless madness and single-minded pursuit of excellence to win a Test series in England.

Led by Kohli, India will take on Joe Root's England in a five-match Test series, beginning here from Wednesday.

"I will answer your second question first, it takes relentless madness and pursuit of excellence every day over a five-Test series, to tell yourself I want to do the hard work and I want to get into situations, which are tough in every Test match on every day. And you are going to be ready for that kind of workload, and that kind of mental load," Kohli said when asked by former India wicket-keeper Dinesh Karthik on what it takes to win a Test series in England.

"To answer your first question, for me personally, it means nothing more than winning a Test or a Test series anywhere else in the world. We step on the field and we compete and we are looking to win every Test, that is what matters more to me," he added.

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