'It’s all purely set up for India, ICC should be fairer': Michael Vaughan

27 June,2024 07:09 AM IST |  London  |  PTI

Vaughan, 49, has often criticised the BCCI and India for flexing their muscle and financial might

Michael Vaughan

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Former England captain Michael Vaughan feels the ongoing T20 World Cup is "purely set up for India" and global body ICC should have been a bit more "fairer" to other countries as this is not a bilateral event organised solely for commercial gains.

Vaughan, 49, has often criticised the BCCI and India for flexing their muscle and financial might.

"Well, it's their tournament, isn't it? Literally, it's that. You know that. They get to play whenever they want, they know exactly where their semi-final is, they play every single game in the morning so people can watch them at night, obviously in India on the television," Vaughan said during a podcast with Australian great Adam Gilchrist on the YouTube channel Club Prairie Fire.

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He lashed out at the ICC for bowing down to India's financial might. "I get that money is a big play in the world of cricket, and I get that in bilateral series, but you would think that when you get to a World Cup, the ICC should be a little bit fairer to everybody," he said.

"When you get to a World Cup, there can't be sympathy or any kind of sway towards one team in this tournament, and this tournament is purely set up for India. As simple as that," Vaughan alleged.

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