Diana Edulji: U-19 girls field better than seniors

25 February,2023 05:06 PM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

Edulji, who was part of the Supreme Court-appointed Committee which ran the BCCI for 33 months, was appalled at the fielding effort displayed by India in the T20 World Cup semi-final in Cape Town on Thursday

Diana Edulji

Former captain Diana Edulji has no qualms in saying that India's U-19 stars fielded way better in their victorious T20 World Cup campaign in comparison to the seniors' effort in South Africa and reckons that most of them will struggle if the yo yo test becomes mandatory in women's cricket.

Edulji, who was part of the Supreme Court-appointed Committee which ran the BCCI for 33 months, was appalled at the fielding effort displayed by India in the T20 World Cup semi-final in Cape Town on Thursday.

Speaking to PTI, Edulji said the poor standard of fitness was responsible for the team's ordinary fielding and running between the wickets. She also thought skipper Harmanpreet Kaur was casual while running the second run before the bat got stuck in the ground and led to a game-changing run out.

Edulji slammed the fitness levels of the current squad, saying the triumphant U-19 World Cup winning squad looked fitter. "I found the U-19 team much fitter than the seniors. They didn't choke in the final. From 2017 to 2023 it is the same old story [for the senior team].

"The BCCI must have a proper assessment of players' fitness. I know the yo yo test is a bit tough for women. Out of 15, 12 will fail that test, but you have a different criteria for them for acceptable fitness standards. Right now there is no accountability on that front," she told PTI.

Also Read: Women's T20 World Cup: England's Danni Wyatt in ‘terrifying' cable car drama ahead of SA clash

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