Woman sues Rudy Giuliani, says he coerced her into sex

17 May,2023 08:22 AM IST |  New York  |  Agencies

His lawyer had also previously denied that Dunphy ever worked for Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani. Pic/AP

A woman who says she worked as an off-the-books employee for Rudy Giuliani during his stint as Donald Trump's personal lawyer, has alleged in court papers that the former New York City mayor coerced her into sex and owes her nearly $2 million in unpaid wages.

Noelle Dunphy said in the lawsuit that she was Giuliani's business development director and public relations consultant from 2019 to 2021. She initially made her allegations public in January, but she detailed her claims further in a 70-page legal complaint filed Monday in New York.

Giuliani "vehemently" denied the allegations through a spokesperson. His lawyer had also previously denied that Dunphy ever worked for Giuliani. "Mayor Giuliani's lifetime of public service speaks for itself, and he will pursue all available remedies and counterclaims," said Giuliani's communications adviser, Ted Goodman.

The new court filing portrays Giuliani, 78, as a hard-drinking, Viagra-popping womanizer who made satisfying his sexual demands "an absolute requirement of her employment." She is seeking at least $10 million. Dunphy claimed in the lawsuit to have made numerous audio recordings of Giuliani, including some in which she says he can be heard making sexual comments, demanding sex and making sexist, racist, and antisemitic remarks.

Also Read: Trump found liable for sexual abuse, accuser awarded USD 5M

Virgin Islands seeks to subpoena Elon Musk

The government of the US Virgin Islands is trying to subpoena billionaire Elon Musk for documents in its lawsuit seeking to hold JP Morgan Chase liable for sex trafficking acts committed by businessman Jeffrey Epstein.Musk has never been publicly accused of any wrongdoing related to Epstein, who killed himself in 2019 as he awaited sex trafficking charges in a jail. But there had been speculation that Epstein had advised Musk on certain business matters.

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