Over 10K displaced in Myanmar

10 October,2023 08:10 AM IST |  Bangkok  |  Agencies

A senior official said constant rainfall in the Bago region that began last week caused flooding in the low-lying areas of its capital, Bago township. She said there were no casualties reported so far, but that more than 10,000 people abandoned their homes

Local residents make their way through a flooded street after heavy rains in Hpa Yar Gyi township in Myanmar. Pic/AFP

Flooding triggered by heavy monsoon rains in Myanmar's southern areas has displaced more than 10,000 people and disrupted traffic on the rail lines that connect the country's biggest cities, officials and the state-run media said.

A senior official said constant rainfall in the Bago region that began last week caused flooding in the low-lying areas of its capital, Bago township. She said there were no casualties reported so far, but that more than 10,000 people abandoned their homes.

Bago township recorded 200 mm of rainfall, its highest in 59 years, Myanmar's Meteorological Department said. The flooding was at least 7-8 feet deep in low-lying areas and 3-4 feet downtown.

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