Migrants rush across US border

12 May,2023 08:03 AM IST |  Matamoros  |  Agencies

In a move to clear out overwhelmed holding facilities, Border Patrol agents were told on Wednesday to begin releasing some migrants with instructions to appear at an immigration office in the US within 60 days, according to a US official.

Migrants congregate on the banks of the Rio Grande. Pic/AP

Migrants rushed across the border hours before pandemic-related asylum restrictions were to expire Thursday, fearing that new policies would make it far more difficult to gain entry into the United States.

In a move to clear out overwhelmed holding facilities, Border Patrol agents were told on Wednesday to begin releasing some migrants with instructions to appear at an immigration office in the US within 60 days, according to a US official.

The Biden administration has been unveiling measures to replace Title 42, which suspended rights to seek asylum since March 2020 on grounds of preventing the spread of COVID-19. The administration said it will admit at least 1,00,000 Latin Americans seeking to reunite with family members in the US.

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