Jan 6 panel urges prosecution of Donald Trump over Capitol riot

21 December,2022 10:33 AM IST |  Washington  |  Agencies

This is the first time in US history that Congress has taken such action against a former president

An image of former US president Donald Trump is seen on a screen during the House Select Committee hearing in Washington, DC on Monday. Pic/AFP

A US House of Representatives panel on Monday asked federal prosecutors to charge former President Donald Trump with obstruction and insurrection for his role in sparking the January 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol. The request is non-binding, but may increase pressure on prosecutors to bring a criminal case against Trump and some of his allies. The committee also said several House Republican lawmakers should face an ethics investigation.

Among the panel's referrals are:

. Corruption of an official proceeding: Trump likely broke this law because he knew his efforts to overturn his defeat in the 2020 election would interfere with Congress' duty to certify Democrat Joe Biden as the winner.

. Conspiracy to defraud the united states: Trump potentially broke this law because he planned with others, including Eastman and former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, to prevent Congress from certifying the election results.

Also Read: January 6 panel eyes recommending 3 charges for Trump

. Conspiracy to make a false statement: Trump may have violated this law by submitting slates of fake electors to Congress and the National Archives in an unsuccessful attempt to overturn his losses in many states.

. Inciting or aiding an insurrection: Trump possibly broke this law because he summoned supporters to Washington and incited them to engage in violence during a rally outside the White House.

. House ethics violations: The panel also referred many fellow members, all Republicans, to Committee for possible sanction, for defying a subpoena and refusing to cooperate with their investigation.

Year the Capitol riot took place

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