In war-torn Iraq, pope Francis calls for forgiveness

08 March,2021 06:46 AM IST |  Qaraqosh  |  Agencies

Pope Francis visits wrecked shells of churches in north Iraq and is greeted by ecstatic crowds

Pope Francis near the ruins of a church in Mosul on Sunday. PIC/AFP

Pope Francis called on Iraq's Christians to forgive the injustices committed against them by Muslim extremists and to rebuild as he visited the wrecked shells of churches and met ecstatic crowds in the community's historic heartland, which was nearly erased by the Islamic State group's horrific reign.

At each stop in northern Iraq, the remnants of its Christian population turned out, jubilant, ululating, decked out in colourful dress, though heavy security prevented Francis from plunging into the crowd as he would normally do.

Nonetheless, they seemed simply overjoyed that they had not been forgotten. "The road to a full recovery may still be long, but I ask you, please, not to grow discouraged. What is needed is the ability to forgive, but also the courage not to give up," said pope Francis.

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