Former Thai PM Thaksin indicted for royal defamation

19 June,2024 07:38 AM IST |  Bangkok  |  Agencies

His removal from power led to a political polarisation in the country.

Former Thai PM Thaksin

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Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was granted release on bail hours after he was formally indicted Tuesday on a charge of defaming the country's monarchy in one of several court cases that have rattled Thai politics.

Thaksin, an influential political figure despite being ousted from power in a coup 18 years ago, reported himself to prosecutors Tuesday and was indicted, Prayuth Bejraguna, a spokesperson for the Office of the Attorney General, said.

Thaksin, 74, voluntarily returned to Thailand last year from self-imposed exile and served virtually all of his sentence on corruption-related charges in a hospital rather than prison on medical grounds. He was granted release on parole in February. His removal from power led to a political polarisation in the country.

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