Biden offers legal status to 500K immigrants

19 June,2024 06:17 PM IST |  Washington  |  Agencies

This will allow employers to keep their critical employees while providing DACA recipients an opportunity to continue to invest in their communities

President Joe Biden at event at the White House on June 18. Pic/AFP

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President Joe Biden has offered to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants married to US citizens and living in the US for at least 10 years, a move the White House estimates is likely to benefit more than 5,00,000 people.

In his address to the nation from the East Room of the White House on Tuesday, Biden also announced a plan to ease the process for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) beneficiaries (and potentially other Dreamers) to access high-skilled employment visas.

This will allow employers to keep their critical employees while providing DACA recipients an opportunity to continue to invest in their communities.

"It's the right thing to do. I want those who've been educated at US colleges and universities to put their skills and knowledge to work here in America. I want to keep building the strongest economy in the world with the best workforce in the world. We've already created 15 million new jobs, a record," Biden said.

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