How to start investing for beginners? Basics of Investing, where to Invest, Investment mistakes

2024-06-25 06:30 PM IST

Beginning an investment journey can be daunting for many and if you have been wondering on how to start investing for beginners, worry not - we have got you covered. In this episode of Money Matters, Mid-day’s Katyayani Kapoor speaks to Kalpesh Ashar - SEBI Registered Investment Advisor and Financial Planner on the basics of investing, different modes of investing, saving vs investing, risk management in investments and the strategy for building a good investment portfolio. Kalpesh busts investing myths and shows the right way to kick-start the investment journey. If you are a beginner in investing and taking your baby steps into the world of investing, this video on the beginner guide to investment is just for you.

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