Armenia - Azerbaijan Conflict: Azerbaijan Prez Ilham Aliyev lashes out at India and France

2023-12-10 02:45 PM IST

Amid the ongoing Armenia - Azerbaijan conflict, Azerbaijan`s President, Ilham Aliyev, has vented his anger against India and France for supporting Armenia. Aliyev said in a press conference that “India and France are adding fuel to the war by providing dangerous weapons to Armenia.’ Azerbaijan`s President, Ilham Aliyev, has also called India and France instigators of war. Meanwhile, the situation remains tense between Azerbaijan and Armenia due to Nagorno Karabakh dispute. Both countries remain face-to-face regarding their rights in this area, however, Armenia had control over this mountainous area in the 1990s. Meanwhile, India has supplied Armenia with weapons worth close to half a billion dollars including the Pinaka Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher anti-tank missiles, rockets, and ammunition.

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