Bharatiya Janata Party leader and Ghatlodia MLA Bhupendra Patel took oath as the 17th Chief Minister of Gujarat on Monday. The announcement of the 59-year-old BJP leader's name as the Chief Minister-elect at a legislative party meeting of the BJP on Sunday came as a surprise for many as the low-profile MLA was not seen to be among the top contenders for the post. Pics/Pallav Paliwal, PTI
Updated On: 2021-09-14 08:14 AM IST
Bhupendra Patel, who holds a diploma in civil engineering, has served as Ahmedabad municipal councillor and as the chairperson of the Standing Committee of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority. He is also a trustee at Patidar organisation Vishwa Umiya Foundation. Pic/Pallav Paliwal
Born in Ahmedabad, Patel is an MLA from the Ghatlodia seat, previously held by former chief minister and now Uttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel. He won the seat by over 1.17 lakh votes in 2017, the highest margin in that poll. Pic/Pallav Paliwal
Patel has never held a ministerial post, just like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was never a minister when he became Gujarat CM 20 years ago. Pic/Pallav Paliwal
With state Assembly polls scheduled in December 2022, the BJP is banking on Patel, a Patidar, for poll victory. In the 2017 Assembly elections, BJP won 99 of the 182 seats and Congress got 77. Pic/ PTI
Union Home Minister Amit Shah and chief ministers of some BJP-ruled states were among those present at the Raj Bhavan ceremony. Pic/Pallav Paliwal
As decided by the party, only Patel took the oath. The council of ministers will take oath during the next few days after their names are finalised, BJP sources said. Pic/Pallav Paliwal
Soon after assuming charge of the top post in Gujarat, Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Monday held a high-level meeting to review the floodlike situation created due to heavy rains in Saurashtra and especially in parts of Jamnagar and Rajkot districts. Pic/PTI
As per the Chief Minister's Office (CMO), the new Chief Minister had a telephone conversation with the Collector of Jamnagar and gave clear instructions for rescue and relief operations. Pic/PTI