Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde met his Assam counterpart Himanta Biswa Sarma. Eknath Shinde's short trip to the northeastern state comes five months after Shinde along with a group of Shiv Sena MLAs and Independent legislators stayed at a hotel in Guwahati for a week from June 22-29 before toppling the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government in the western state
Updated On: 2022-11-27 02:24 PM IST
Eknath Shinde and several other ministers and MLAs along with their families on Saturday visited Guwahati to pay obeisance to Goddess Kamakhya (Pic/Eknath Shinde's team)
Shinde arrived with an entourage of over 170 people, including more than 50 ministers and MLAs, in a special flight and was received at the airport by Assam ministers (Pic/Eknath Shinde's team)
They drove to the Kamakhya temple situated atop Nilachal hill in the city and performed puja (Pic/Eknath Shinde's team)
On his arrival at Guwahati airport, Shinde told reporters that Sarma had sent three of his ministers and bureaucrats to welcome him (Pic/Eknath Shinde's team)
Shinde said he has come to Guwahati to offer prayers at the Kamakhya Devi temple at the invitation of his Assam counterpart Himanta Biswa Sarma (Pic/PTI)