For the first time in history, Pune will host the prestigious Army Day Parade on January 15. Rehearsals for the 77th Army Day Parade are in full swing at the BEG Centre in the city, featuring a diverse array of contingents that depict the spirit of a modern and future-ready Indian Army (Pics/X)
Updated On: 2025-01-08 07:16 PM IST
Compiled by : Jyoti Shukla
The Army Day Parade commemorates Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa’s appointment as the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army in 1949, symbolising India’s post-independence military leadership
The highlight of the parade will be the display of cutting-edge defence technologies such as drones and robotics
Pune’s selection for the 2025 parade shows the city’s historic ties to the Armed Forces and its role as the headquarters of the Indian Army’s Southern Command
The parade will take place at the Bombay Engineering Group and Centre, featuring marching contingents, mechanised columns, and technological exhibits
National Cadet Corps (NCC) women contingent rehearsing for the January 15 parade
Preceding the parade, the “Know Your Army” exhibition, allowed citizens to explore advanced weaponry and interact with soldiers
The Army Day Parade is not only a ceremonial occasion but a national celebration of courage, dedication, and technological progress
The Indian Army has a stronger connection with citizens nationwide by rotating the Army Day Parade across different cities. The parade was traditionally held in Delhi but began rotating to various cities in 2023, starting with Bengaluru, followed by Lucknow in 2024
This initiative gives opportunities to local communities to directly engage with the Armed Forces
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