Maharashtra Deputy CM Ajit Pawar visited Ganpati mandals in Pune on Tuesday. The state is celebrating the 10-day Ganeshotsav festivities and politicians are also going pandal hopping to seek blessings of their favourite deity (PICS/X)
Updated On: 2024-09-10 11:46 PM IST
Compiled by : Divya Nair
The mandal is named after a famous trader Dagdusheth Halwai, who came to Pune from Karnataka and is said to have been a part of Sarvajanik Ganeshotsav since its inception, making the deity's legacy 132-years old
The Kesariwada Ganpati of Lokmanya Tilak's Kesari organisation in Pune was established in 1894
The Kesariwada Ganpati is one of the Manache Ganpatis in Pune. Manache Ganpatis are considered to be highly revered and wish-fulling idols of deities
The Akhil Mandai Mandal Ganpati is one of the most-visited idols in Pune
The Akhil Mandai Mandal is in its 131st year of celebrations