For the first time in history, Pune hosted the prestigious Army Day Parade on Wednesday. This year marks the 77th Army Day, featuring a diverse array of contingents that depict the spirit of a modern and future-ready Indian Army. The Army Day Parade commemorates Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa’s appointment as the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army in 1949, symbolising India’s post-independence military leadership. (Pics and text/PTI)
Updated On: 2025-01-15 05:57 PM IST
Compiled by : Jyoti Shukla
General Upendra Dwivedi at the Bombay Engineer Group (BEG) and Centre in Pune inspecting the Guard of Honour
Indian Army's robotic Multi-Utility Legged Equipment (MULE) at the parade
Robotic mules on display during the 77th Army Day Parade in Pune
The Corps of Military Police (CMP) personnel march past during the 77th Army Day Parade, at Khadki in Pune
Indian Air Force's Sukhoi SU-30MKI fighter jets fly past during the 77th Army Day Parade
Madras Regiment personnel march past during the 77th Army Day Parade, at Khadki in Pune on Wednesday
The VMIMS (Vehicle Mounted Inf Mortar System) on display during the 77th Army Day Parade
Agniveer women personnel march past during the parade, at Khadki in Pune
Pinaka, a multi-barrel rocket launcher, on display during the parade in Pune
NCC girls march past during the 77th Army Day Parade in Pune
The ATOR N1200s, all-terrain amphibious vehicles on display in Pune
Mechanised Infantry Regiment personnel march past during the 77th Army Day Parade, at Khadki in Pune
T-90 Bhishma tanks on display during the 77th Army Day Parade, at Khadki in Pune on Wednesday