Nagpur: Man held for posing as apex court staffer to dupe job aspirants

07 March,2023 08:12 AM IST |  Nagpur  |  PTI

“He took Rs 20 lakh each from the victims. The fraud came to light after he approached Kotwali police station for bandobast to conduct exams in a city school. His identity card was suspicious. Further probe unravelled the racket,” the official said

Representational image. Pic/iStock

A man was arrested for using the modus operandi of conmen in Hindi film ‘Special 26' to allegedly dupe job aspirants, a police official said on Monday.

The man, a resident of Osmanabad, posed as a desk officer of the Supreme Court and promised jobs in the apex court, he said.

"He took Rs 20 lakh each from the victims. The fraud came to light after he approached Kotwali police station for bandobast to conduct exams in a city school. His identity card was suspicious. Further probe unravelled the racket," the official said.

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A case has been registered against him at Kotwali police station, he added.

In the film ‘Special 26', a gang of conmen would pose as Central probe agency sleuths to raid people and establishments to extort money.

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