Mortal remains of Pranab Mukherjee immersed in Ganga at Haridwar

02 September,2020 05:02 AM IST |  Haridwar  |  ANI

The former Presidents funeral took place on September 1 with full military honours and he was cremated at the Lodhi Road crematorium

Abhijit Mukherjee, son of former president late Pranab Mukherjee, immerses the of ashes of his father at Har Ki Pauri Ghat, in Haridwar,

The mortal remains of former President Pranab Mukherjee were immersed in the Ganges at Haridwar by his son Abhijit Mukherjee on Tuesday. Abhijit arrived in Haridwar, along with a few family members, for this purpose and said he would return to Delhi soon after. "It is our family custom to immerse the mortal remains at Haridwar. I will pray for the peace of his soul, and ask him to bless us no matter where he is. He dearly loved the Ganga too," Abhijit told reporters after performing the ritual.

The former President's funeral took place on September 1 with full military honours and he was cremated at the Lodhi Road crematorium.

Mukherjee, who had tested positive for the coronavirus, died on Monday, weeks after his brain surgery. He was 84.

The government and many states have announced a seven-day official mourning.

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