LJP (Ram Vilas) to contest Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh Assembly polls: Chirag Paswan

17 October,2022 01:11 PM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

The party is, however, yet to take a decision on the number of seats it will contest in the two poll-bound states, Paswan said

Chirag Paswan. File Pic

The LJP (Ram Vilas) will contest the upcoming Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh Assembly polls, party president Chirag Paswan announced on Monday.

The party is, however, yet to take a decision on the number of seats it will contest in the two poll-bound states, Paswan said.

The decision to join the poll fray in the two BJP-ruled states was taken at a national executive meeting of the party after a resolution was unanimously passed in this regard, he added.

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"The party has decided to contest the Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh Assembly polls. We will soon take a decision on the number of seats that the party will contest in Gujarat and on the list of candidates," Paswan said at a press conference.

The Lok Janshakti Party (Ram Vilas) will appoint its Himachal Pradesh in-charge later in the day and subsequently, take a decision on the list of candidates, he said.

Polling for the Himachal Pradesh Assembly will be held in a single phase on November 12 and the counting of votes will be taken up on December 8. The Election Commission is yet to announce the dates for the Gujarat polls.

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