Karnataka: Student orders iPhone, gets soap; Flipkart to pay Rs 25,000

24 March,2023 08:27 AM IST |  Karnataka  |  Agencies

The Commission also ordered Flipkart to refund the cost of the phone, Rs 48,999, all within eight weeks

Representative Image

A Consumer Commission has ordered e-commerce major Flipkart and a retailer to pay Rs 25,000 for deficiency in service and unfair trade practice and causing mental agony and physical harassment to a consumer, who was delivered a bar of detergent soap and small keypad phone instead of the iPhone he had ordered.

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The Commission also ordered Flipkart to refund the cost of the phone, Rs 48,999, all within eight weeks. Harsha S, a student from Koppal, approached the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Koppal, against Flipkart Internet Private Limited and Sane Retails in 2021.

Rs 48,999
Amount Flipkart has to refund for iPhone

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