Delhi: Two men shot dead inside salon in Najafgarh

09 February,2024 08:32 PM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

Two men were on Friday shot dead inside a salon in Delhi`s Najafgarh area, police said

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Two men were shot dead inside a salon in southwest Delhi's Najafgarh area, police said on Friday.

Sonu and Ashish, in their early 30's, were shot multiple times in front of other customers and salon workers, they said.

A purported CCTV footage of the incident also surfaced on social media where one of the victims could be seen pleading to the attackers. He was shot in the head from a point blank rage.

Police said while Sonu was shot in the head once, Ashish received three bullet injuries in his head and one in his chest.

Prima facie, personal enmity is suspected to be the reason behind the attack but the possibility of gangwar cannot be ruled out, a police officer said.

The two attackers fled after the incident, police said.

Soon after the incident, panic was gripped in the area and a PCR call was made. Three police teams have been formed to identify and arrest the accused, they said.

Ashish had two criminal cases against him, police said, adding that both victims were residents of Nagli Sakrawati in Najafgarh area in Delhi.

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