People follow social distancing as Assam govt permits sale of liquor

13 April,2020 01:42 PM IST |   |  ANI

The shopkeepers also maintained social distancing in the stores as the staff strength was down to a bare minimum

Picture/Twitter ANI

People were seen lining up outside liquor stores in huge numbers here on Monday after the Assam government permitted retail stores to remain open for seven hours and sell liquor. While standing in queue, the people were seen adhering to the norms of social distancing -- as advised by the health ministry and experts. They were also seen carrying bags in an attempt to stock up the liquor in their houses.

The shopkeepers also maintained social distancing in the stores as the staff strength was down to a bare minimum. On Sunday, the Assam government permitted retail liquor outlets in the state to open for seven hours daily from April 13.

An official notification stated that all liquor shops shall remain open from 10 am to 5 pm on the permitted days and follow social distancing. Along with the liquor shops, wholesale warehouses, bottling plants, distilleries and breweries have also been allowed to operate from Monday.

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